Saturday – BINGO IS BACK!
And we still honor First Responders
Saturday Bingo is back! Bingo will be called every 30 minutes from 6PM to 10PM. Players must earn 10 points on their Players Club card to receive a Bingo card. Players may receive a new card by bring their used card to the Players Club for replacement.
See complete rules of play at the Players Club. Win up to $400 CASH!
Thank you to all our First Responders! We appreciate you for everything you do for our communities.
To show our appreciation, join us every Saturday for Military and First Responder Appreciation Day. Just present your ID and proof as an active first responder and you will receive $10 free play (no pre-earned points required).
Open to all active Fire, Police, EMS, and Nurses! Open to all active or retired military personnel.